Friday, May 3, 2013

The Wierd Wonders of Iowa

After loosing time in South Dakota we decided to drive for awhile after the sun had gone down.  We both were feeling good and the cat had been asleep for hours, so we pressed on.  As we began to feel that we should look for the next rest stop, Betsy called letting us know that there was weather up ahead.  The wind had died and it seemed like it would be a warmer night as we pulled into a spot on the Iowa border.  We slept and awoke to a normal looking morning.  We had somewhat expected to wake with the world covered in snow.  We returned to the interstate thinking maybe Betsy was just being overly cautious.  Not 20 minutes later we were in the middle of snow covered fields.  As a result of the what looked like 2 to 3 inches of snow we discovered 28 vehicles that had slid off the road, 5 of which were trucks.  Heath and I shared a glance as the number of abandoned vehicles mounted.  We both new how lucky we had been to stop.  

I suppose it's time for a SOFTY UPDATE!! Have no fear, she still hates this!  However she has stopped making noise.  She mostly spends the ride sleeping in a little ball.  She has also stopped telling us when she really has to pee.  Unfortunately stopping to let the cat out to wander around the camper to pee, or more often not, has proved to be a real time sucker.  We had another accident yesterday. 

Iowa proved to be hell on wheels.  We had it all, white out blizzard, high winds, rain, stopped traffic, constructions, more construction, and more trucks then anywhere else!! This might also be why Iowa has so many rest stops and truck stops.  In fact the "Iowa 80" truck stop is the WORLDS LARGEST. Or is advertised to be.  Judging from the number of massive truck that wizzed by me, I would have to say they have the customer base to be.  They have so many rest stops that they have two different kinds. They have rest stops, and then they have MODERN rest stops.  The first time we saw a sign for a MODERN rest stop we were delighted.  What could it possibly be!  Internet! Restaurant? Electricity? No friends, the correct answer is nothing.  A MODERN rest stop is nothing more then a parking area, no restrooms, nor picnic tables.  Jack squat!  Apparently MODERN people don't pee or eat.  They just have a burning desire to park.

On our first night we slept next to this truck.  It was very recognizable with a large Statue of Liberty on the side.  The next day we see it several times, and when we went outside early on the third day there he was again.  He recognized us, we are equally as noticeable.  He said hi.  Oh boy! Our first road friend! We have talked about getting a CB radio.  It seemed like a good idea also when the traffic stopped in front of us, all the trucks seemed to know what was going on.  Until then I have decided to fallow the ways of the truckers.  Merger when they merge and such.

We are now in Champagne Illinois enjoying a rest day.  We ate at our favorite absurd sandwich shop, Fat Sandwiches, and I am now taking advantage of internet to update you all.  


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