Saturday, May 18, 2013

Last week: a short essay from the parking lot of the co-op in Belfast

Last week was enjoyable. I had two days off which I think I spend very well! We investigated a lovely place called liberty tools in liberty Maine. It was fascinating. This old building was just packed full of old tools and books and miscellaneous junk! It was so much fun to poke around and look for things. I was specifically looking for comic books in order to make an art project. I'm hoping to make magnets out of them. Then we went for ice cream at a place called John's. It was fantastic!

I made a point also this week to get some muscles and eat seafood. I got some muscles at the Hannaford's, a local grocery store, but they were not very good and kind of gritty. We ended up shopping there because both of the seafood stores we went to in Belfast were closed for the season. I think someone should let them know that summer is here! Despite the dirt the muscles were fun eating experience and we ate them with artichokes. It was a blast putting all the pots out with melted butter and artichoke dipping sauce and just having a free-for-all hands on eating experience.

Work has been wonderful as always. After spending most of the beginning of the week cleaning up the classroom then setting up for this class i was ready for the weekend workshop. This class has been tons of fun. Deneb,Lie-Nielsens sharpening goo Roo, is an amazing teacher and his students seem to be having tons of fun. I am also having tons of fun taking the photographs again. I hope to be able to show you some if them next week.

An update on the tick I found: no Lyme disease yet. However I am still skeptical that I will not die. Lyme disease is a sneaky devil... I think.

Heath is well. He is finishing up his first day of work, however he is running very late and has forced me to sit in the Belfast co-op parking lot for much longer than I had hoped. We made a strange set of car pool plans. The long drive in from Knox has made it so we have to plan what car goes where and when. As the half hour turn into hours I'm given plenty of time to write on my blog and let you all know exactly how bored I am. Please excuse any typos. I am writing this on an iPhone. Also the people of the Belfast co-op has started to look at me like I'm a loiterer. The bright side: if heath takes much longer I will just give Betsy a ride home. She works at the Belfast co-op and will be getting off of work very soon here. (One of the main reasons we decided to meet up at the Belfast co-op. ) He has his mom's truck I have the Tahoe and we would rendezvous to give her the truck back. However if he doesn't get here before she's off of work I will be giving her a ride home and Heath will have to just meet us at home later on. Too bad he has no cell phone. Yippy! Another extremely late dinner where I am starving beyond all reason.

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